Joining the Archery Center

Discounts on Classes
When you get a membership with Springbrook Archery Center this also gives the benefit of a discount on many of the classes and lessons we have to offer. This does not apply to some of our special events.
Range Time Access and Lower Range Fees
Being a member means you can access the range at the times convenient to you (outside of class times and normal range times), and that when you shoot your lane fees will be reduced.
Normal lane fees are $20/hour
Membership Lane fees are $10/hour
Punchcards (ten passes) are available for $90

Becoming a Member is simple. You can do it online, or at the Archery Center itself. Simply fill in the Membership form linked to the left and the Waiver and email them to or take them into the Range.
Payment can be made through EMT to, and please put your name and that it is for membership in the comments section. Or payment can be made by cheque or cash at the archery center to Donna.
Cost is per month.
- $20/m Youth
- $30/m Adult
- $40/m Family